Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.).


Long Valley Roman Catholic Churches

If you, a family member or one of your friends have an interest in learning more about the Roman Catholic religion with the possibility of joining the Catholic Church or if you have not been Confirmed or received your First Holy Communion and would like to, please contact one of the R.C.I. A. directors below for more information:


St. Luke Parish

P.O. Box 416
265 West Mill Road
Long Valley, NJ 07853

POC:  Deacon Tom Healy
Email:  thealy@nyp.org
Cell: 908-591-4538
Work: 212-297-4501


St. Mark Parish

59 Spring Lane
Long Valley, NJ  07853

POC:  Nick Ardito
Email:  nardito022@yahoo.com
Home: 908 979 9470
Cell: 908 343 8094


Our Lady of the Mountain Parish

2 East Springtown Rd
Long Valley, NJ  07853

POC:  Nick Ardito
Email:  nardito022@yahoo.com
Home: 908 979 9470
Cell: 908 343 8094


A Little Bit about R.C.I.A.

The process by which adults come into the Church is known as RCIA.

Who is the process for?

1. Unbaptized adults. The primary focus of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is on those who are not yet baptized.

2. Baptized, but uncatechized.  Those who have been baptized as a Roman Catholic, but did not receive further formation or instruction.  Some folks may not have celebrated Confirmation nor received their first Holy Communion.

3. Those seeking full communion with the Roman Catholic Church.  These are baptized, practicing Christians from other denominations who seek membership into the Catholic Church.

The Rite of Christian Initiation is based on the understanding that the process of personal conversion proceeds gradually, in stages.  The experience and needs of those in each category described above differ, and so the length of time may vary for each person.  Contact the parish coordinator listed above for more information.