Issue: May 2012

Brothers as we near the end of our Columbian year which ends June 30th, looking back at what we accomplished for the
Columbian year 2011-2012, we added seven members to our council, we are hosting are first “2nd Degree” in our
council to held @St. Mark’s Church on May 23, support our Brothers who are making their 2nd Degree, restarted up
our “Knights News” Memorial Mass for our Deceased Brother’s, started our First Annual Blood Drive, started our First
Annual Glasses for the Needy, started our Council Publicity, continue support of our Seminarian, continue giving out
two scholarships to High School Seniors, continue to visit & support our Veterans at Lyons Facility, continue to raise
money for the Intellectually Challenge People, continue to have Food Drives twice a year to help the L.V. Food Pantries
& Seniors, continue to have our Annual Auction to support our Programs, continue to have our Valentine’s Day Dance
for Kids & there Parents, continue to Cook Breakfast for the Antioch Group, continue to help with St. Mark’s Annual
Picnic ( Cooking ), continue our Sock Drive to Help the Needy, continue our March Madness TV Raffle to help the
three Parishes in LV, continue our Back to School Raffle, continue to raise money for the Right To Life, Donations
from stick on Roses to give to Birth Haven (Shelter for unwed mothers), continue our Basketball Free Throw contest,
continue our Dinner with the Priest, continue to Honor Boys Scouts who make Eagle Scout, and continue to Honor
Girl Scouts who make Gold Award.
As you can tell from the number of events we were a very busy council and we would not have been able to accomplish
all this without the help of Brother Knights, who I want to say thank you, it’s been an honored and a privilege to work
with such a great group of fine men. You are always welcome to attend our meetings, so please come.
A belated “Happy Mother’s Day” May God Bless all the Mothers and to those who have left us. Monday May 28th is
“Memorial Day”, let’s us remember and honor our Veterans to those who have passed on. Also theirs a Parade in
Hackettstown so come and show support of Knights who will be marching in the parade, you are most welcome to join
us for this great and honored event. On June 17th is “Father’s Day” let’s honor our Dads, those who are with us and
those who has passed on.
Also remember those who are sick, the Unborn, The Military those Brothers who have passed on and also the Brothers

Tom Sanders
Grand Knight
Long Valley, Council 10419

Newsletter – May 2012